The intent of this tender is to obtain a formal offer to construct and complete:
.1 The replacement of the existing gas-fired furnaces located in mechanical rooms throughout the school with a central boiler system and fan coil units. The project is to be phased to align with budgetary restrictions. Refer to subsequent sections for further information on the phasing requirements.
.2 Initial scope of work is to occur within Mechanical Room 149 and the central heating piping system only and is to include the following:
.1 Full installation of the boiler plant, related piping, related ductwork, related electrical.
.2 Full replacement of the existing furnaces within Mechanical Room 149.
.3 Full installation of the heating glycol piping system in the corridors including all necessary coordination with existing in ceiling.
.4 Inclusion of the new BMS system that serves the new mechanical system as outlined later in this specification.
.3 Other mechanical rooms are to be included at the Owner’s request / phasing. Initial pricing should be for Mechanical room and system piping only. Breakout pricing to be included separately for each of the following scopes of work:
.1 Classroom PAC Units including all necessary demolition, new piping to/from main in hallway and all other related work within the space(s); Section 00 01 00 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 2
.2 Mechanical Room 127 Furnace Revisions including all necessary work within the space.
.3 Mechanical Room 120 Furnace Revisions including all necessary work within the space.;
.4 Mechanical Room 105 Furnace Revisions including all necessary work within the space.;
.5 Mechanical Room 106 Furnace Revisions including all necessary work within the space.
Herein referred to as the "Work", located in the Ecole Notre Dame Elementary School located at 4711 – 48 Street, Bonnyville, AB.
.4 Submit two (2) copies of the executed tender signed and sealed in an opaque envelope, clearly identified with bidders name, project name and contract name on the outside.
.5 Amendments to a submitted tender will be permitted if received in writing prior to tender closing and if endorsed by the same party or parties who signed the tender.
.6 Contractor is to provide a proposed schedule of work as part of the Tender submission.
.7 Contract work is to occur during summer months when school is out of session (typically July and August) – coordinate with Owner should construction fall outside those months.