****Addendum #1****
Please note the following updates to the RFEOI:
Question 1. Where is the exact location of proposed site meeting?
Response 1. Point of assembly will be outside DTI construction trailer on site.
Question 2. Are any solicitation documents including but not limited to drawings, addendums, underwater videos or written reports, notices available?
Response 2. Specific work detail and information will be provided in any subsequent solicitation.
Completion of (N665) Northwest Miramichi No 1 Bridge (Anderson), Grading, Barriers, Signing, Lighting, Approaches, paving
Request for Expression of Interest No.: DTI - RFEOI 25-002
Issued: February 19, 2025
Submission Deadline: February 28, 2025
1. Introduction
This Request for Expression of Interest ("RFEOI") is issued by Service New Brunswick ("SNB") Strategic Procurement Division on behalf of Department of Transportation and Infrastructure, to determine whether the supplier community would be interested in, or able to respond to, a possible contract opportunity. It is intended to assist with market sounding and the collection of information.
2. RFEOI Details
This RFEOI is being issued to solicit interest in completion of the work underway on the Anderson bridge. The work consists of installation of finger joints, grading, guideposts, barriers, railings, signing, lighting, approaches, paving, traffic control, concrete encased duct bank system, misc. completion and site clean up.
A site visit will be held on Wednesday February 26, 2025 (alternative weather day may be Feb 28) at 10:00 am for all interested contractors to view the site and ask questions to the DTI design and construction team.
All inquiries related to this RFEOI are to be directed in writing to the Strategic Procurement Division, at the following email: BidQuestionsSoumissions@snb.ca
*** Refer to the attached Request for Expression of Interest document ***
La présente est un avis d'appel d'offres seulement. Afin de présenter une soumission, vous devez obtenir les documents de soumission officiels en vous adressant au Réseau de possibilités d'affaires du Nouveau-Brunswick, à un service de distribution autorisé ou à une autre source telle qu'indiquée dans l'avis d'appel d'offres.
Les documents de sollicitation seront fournis dans l'une ou l'autre des langues officielles du Nouveau-Brunswick, soit l'anglais ou le français, sur demande.
Toutes les entreprises qui fournissent des biens et des services au gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick doivent se conformer au Règlement sur les matières désignées quand elles fournissent les biens et les services visés par ce règlement. Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez vous reporter au
site Web de Recycle NB et au
Règlement sur les matières désignées.