The Town is committed to ensuring surveillance and security is managed strategically and our structure and processes are setup in a way to support this. The Town recognizes that there is an opportunity to improve surveillance and security and become more efficient and effective, ensuring the best use of municipal resources. There has been significant change in the last few years including new facilities/public spaces, increased use of facilities/public space, technology, and structure.
The primary purpose of the review is to determine the right systems and structure to support the achievement of the Town’s current and future needs and goals. The consultant will be required to conduct a review and analysis of all surveillance and security equipment, systems, functions, processes, governance and contracts, with the consideration for the delivery of surveillance and security in the most efficient and cost-effective manner across the departments and facilities/public spaces and develop a comprehensive master plan. The comprehensive master plan will serve as the basis for a Request for Proposal (RFP), to be developed by the Consultant, and issued at a later time.
The consultant will be responsible for conducting a review and developing and delivering a final report (master plan) that includes comprehensive recommendations. The consultant will be required to complete the following tasks, at a minimum:
• Examine the current systems, structure and processes in an objective manner to determine the level and type of surveillance and security required while ensuring resources will be utilized in a responsive, economical, and efficient manner.
• Prepare and provide a comprehensive surveillance and security system infrastructure assessment including site specific surveillance camera and security system and software solution evaluation for identified facilities and public spaces, software platform recommendations, and camera specifications/location recommendations that build upon existing infrastructure wherever possible.
• Hold a sufficient number of meetings with staff representatives from the Town in order to identify surveillance and security system infrastructure, locations, needs, wants, use, video extraction and identification, and related operational concerns. Individual Department Heads and/or their designated representative affected by the surveillance and security assessment project will be included in the discussions.
• Review the scope, value, and performance of current and recommended equipment, systems, and processes and provide recommendations on the current and future needs, process, cost, and service provisions. Services will include camera recommendation of industry standard, installation, maintenance, software management, data storage and capacity for current and future expansion, and phasing plan.
• Develop and present master plan.
• Develop and recommend policy related to surveillance and security in public facilities and spaces to ensure adherence to Federal and Provincial legislation.
• Develop RFP’s for the implementation phases.