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********************* Amendment # 4 *******************
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Note that the closing date has been extended to the December 21 at 2pm.
All other information remains the same.
********************* Amendment # 3 *******************
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All other information remains the same.
********************* Amendment # 2 *******************
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All other information remains the same.
********************* Amendment # 1 *******************
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Note that the closing date has been extended to the December 19 at 13:30.
Cap-Brulé WWTF Upgrades
Contract No.2- Phase 2A Pre-Purchase of Major Equipment, Boudreau-Ouest, NB
Project No. 2309577.005 - Generators
The Greater Shediac Sewerage Commission will receive bids for this project before 2:00 p.m. on December 5, 2023 (unless modified by addendum).
The project consists of the upgrading of an existing waste treatment facility in Boudreau-Ouest, NB. This tender is for the Supply of a new Generator Sets and accessories for the proposed Cap-Brule Wastewater Treatment Plant including the supply of all materials, labour, supervision, equipment, necessary for the fabrication, and manufacturing the new generators and accessories.
Instructions to obtain Tender Documents and Tender Submission:
Interested tenderers shall contact Ms. Jinette McCormack at or 506-857-2777 ext. 178042 to obtain a digital copy (PDF format) of the Tender Documents and to be added to the official tenderers list.
Tenders shall be received electronically. Tender submission, with all required documents combined into one PDF format file, must be sent as an attachment via email to Ms. Jinette McCormack.
Email subject for Tender Submission shall be in this format:
TENDER SUBMISSION - Tenderer's Company Name - Owner's Project/Reference Number - Project Name
Tenderers will be required to provide bid security, labour and material payment security as specified in the Bid Documents.
The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
Chris Gallant, P. Eng.
Englobe Corp.
La présente est un avis d'appel d'offres seulement. Afin de présenter une soumission, vous devez obtenir les documents de soumission officiels en vous adressant au Réseau de possibilités d'affaires du Nouveau-Brunswick, à un service de distribution autorisé ou à une autre source telle qu'indiquée dans l'avis d'appel d'offres.