1.1 Security Requirements
There is no security requirement associated with the requirement.
1.2 Statement of Requirement
To provide one high current potentiostat / galvanostat for electrochemical measurements, including electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in accordance with the detailed Statement of Requirement attached as Annex "A".
1.2.1 Optional Requirement
Option to purchase one additional potentiostat / galvanostat for electrochemical measurements, including electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in accordance with the detailed Statement of Requirement attached as Annex "A". The Contractor grants to Canada the irrevocable option to purchase one additional unit under the same terms and conditions and at the prices and/or rates stated in the Contract within one year of the original contract date.
1.3 Debriefings
Bidders may request a debriefing on the results of the bid solicitation process. Bidders should make the request to the Contracting Authority within 15 working days from receipt of the results of the bid solicitation process. The debriefing may be in writing, by telephone or in person.
2.1 Standard Instructions, Clauses and Conditions
You are invited to submit one electronic Technical Proposal and one electronic Financial Proposal in two separate attachments to fulfil the following requirement forming part of this Request for Proposal. One attachment must be clearly marked ‘Technical Proposal’ and the other attachment must be marked ‘Financial Proposal’. All financial information must be fully contained in the Financial Proposal, and only in the Financial Proposal. Vendors who provide financial information in the technical proposal will be disqualified. All proposals should include the front page of this RFP duly completed.
2010A (2022-12-01), General Conditions - Goods (Medium Complexity), apply to and form part of the Contract.
Bidders who submit a bid agree to be bound by the instructions, clauses and conditions of the bid solicitation and accept the clauses and conditions of the resulting contract.
Proposals submitted must be valid for not less than sixty (60) calendar days from the closing date of the RFP.
2.1.1 It is the Bidder's responsibility to:
(a) return a signed copy of the bid solicitation, duly completed, IN THE FORMAT REQUESTED;
(b) direct its bid ONLY to the Bid Receiving address specified;
(c) ensure that the Bidder's name, the bid solicitation reference number, and bid solicitation closing date and time are clearly visible;
(d) provide a comprehensive and sufficiently detailed bid, including all requested pricing details, that will permit a complete evaluation in accordance with the criteria set out in the bid solicitation.
Timely and correct delivery of bids to the specified bid delivery address is the sole responsibility of the Bidder. The National Research Council Canada (NRC) will not assume or have transferred to it those responsibilities. All risks and consequences of incorrect delivery of bids are the responsibility of the Bidder.
2.1.2 Bids may be accepted in whole or in part. The lowest or any bid will not necessarily be accepted. In the case of error in the extension of prices, the unit price will govern. NRC may enter into contract without negotiation.
2.1.3 Bidders who submit a bid agree to be bound by the instructions, clauses and conditions of the bid solicitation and accept the terms and conditions of the resulting contract.
2.1.4 Bids will remain open for acceptance for a period of not less than sixty (60) days from the closing date of the bid solicitation, unless otherwise indicated by NRC in such bid solicitation.
2.1.5 While NRC may enter into contract without negotiation, Canada reserves the right to negotiate with bidders on any procurement.
2.1.6 Notwithstanding the bid validity period stipulated in this solicitation, Canada reserves the right to seek an extension from all responsive bidders, within a minimum of three (3) days prior to the end of such period. Bidders shall have the option to either accept or reject the extension.
2.1.7 If the extension referred to above is accepted, in writing, by all those who submitted responsive bids, then Canada shall continue immediately with the evaluation of the bids and its approval processes.
2.1.8 If the extension referred to above is not accepted, in writing, by all those who submitted responsive bids then Canada shall, at its sole discretion: either continue to evaluate the responsive bids of those who have accepted the extension and seek the necessary approvals; or cancel the solicitation; or cancel and reissue the solicitation.
2.2 Late Bids
All risks and consequences of incorrect delivery of electronic bids are the responsibility of the Bidder. The National Research Council Canada will not be responsible for late bids received at destination after the closing date and time, even if it was submitted before. Electronic bids received after the indicated closing time based on NRC servers’ received time will be irrevocably rejected. Bidders are urged to send their proposal in sufficient time, in advance of the closing time to reduce any technical issues. The National Research Council Canada will not be held responsible for bids sent before closing time but received by the NRC servers after the closing time.
2.3 Submission of Bids
Technical and Financial Proposals must be received electronically no later than 14:00 EST (NRC's Server Time), February 23, 2024, to the following NRC email address:
The NRC has restrictions on incoming e-mail messages. The maximum e-mail message size including all file attachments must not exceed 10MB. Zip files or links to bid documents will not be accepted. Incoming e-mail messages exceeding the maximum file size and/or containing zip file attachments will be blocked from entering the NRC e-mail system. A bid transmitted by e-mail that gets blocked by the NRC e-mail system will be considered not received.
Proposals must not be sent directly to the Contracting Authority or the Project Authority.
All submitted proposals become the property NRC.