Special Provisions
Contract Information Documents including, but not limited to, geotechnical reports, miscellaneous documents, and reference drawings that may have been provided to the Contractor or made available to the Contractor for viewing during the Quote period shall not be considered part of the Contract Documents.
The Contractor is not entitled to rely upon the information or factual data in any Contract Information Document, nor any opinions or interpretations contained therein. Contract Information Documents shall not be considered accurate, complete or appropriate, and are made available solely for the purpose of providing the Bidder with access to the information available to the Minister.
The Contractor’s attention shall be directed to the bridge area on Range Road 184 (SW-33-43-18-4). All efforts shall be made to make a safe work zone for contractors crew and the general public.
If tracked equipment is required to cross the bridge, protective measures such as tires, timbers and steel plates shall be used. Any other methods shall be pre-approved by the Public Works
The Contractor’s attention is drawn to the General Specifications and Specification Amendments for Highway and Bridge Construction, Edition 16, 2019, Specification 1.2.13, “Occupational Health and Safety Act,” and Section, “Prime Contractor.”
The Contractor’s attention is drawn to Section 7.1, Traffic Accommodation and Temporary
Signing, of the Standard Specifications for Highway Construction.
The Owner reserves the right to modify the Contractor’s operations if, traffic is being unduly hindered. Traffic shall be maintained on the existing roadway throughout the duration of this Contract. Local residents shall have access to their properties at all times. Prior to any prolonged shutdown of construction, the Contractor shall ensure that any disturbed roadway surface is restored to a condition suitable for traffic operations as directed by the Owner. The Traffic Accommodation Strategy shall include methods for accommodating traffic throughout the work zone.
5.5.1 Haul Road Maintenance
The Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance and restoration of all haul roads. Contrary to Section and of Specification 4.5 "Hauling", no payment will be made by the Owner for the restoration of the Haul Roads damaged by the Contractor’s Operations. This will include but will NOT be limited to any gravel surfacing, dust abatement, asphalt stabilized base course or asphalt concrete pavement materials.
5.5.2 Road Use Agreement
The Contractor shall enter into a Local Road Use Agreement with Camrose County. The agreement will cover the use of local roads as haul roads and detour roads and will address maintenance and restoration of roads used under this contract. The County contact is:
Camrose County Public Works
Phone: 780-672-4449
Contrary to Section, Towing Traffic, no separate or additional payment will be made for towing traffic through the work. Any costs for towing traffic shall be included in the unit price bid for “Shoulder Pull”. The Contractor shall supply operators and equipment for towing during and after periods of inclement weather, and at the request of the Owner.
5.7.1 General
The Contractor's attention is drawn to Section 1.2.15, Safeguarding Utility and Railway
Installations, of the General Specifications.
Additional specific requirements for work in the vicinity of utilities and coordination with the owners and/or operators are listed under the particular utility.
Utilities and Pipelines
It is the Contractor’s responsibility to coordinate with Alberta One Call to locate and expose all underground and aboveground utilities and pipelines. The Contractor is responsible for the cost of repairing any gas line, telephone cables or any utilities and pipeline damaged as a result of the construction. The Contractor shall acquire necessary crossing agreements pertaining to this project, copies of the agreements will be provided to the Owner. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to adhere to the terms and conditions set forth in each agreement.
The Contractor shall have no claim against the Owner or its representative for delays that are caused by the terms and conditions of agreements.
There will be no construction staking on the project. The contractor is to follow the existing road alignment and maintain straight edging and shaping of the roadway to a consistent 8 m top.
There is no warranty requirement for this work.
The scope of work for this project shall include but not limited to, the following:
• Mobilization
• Identification of existing culverts and appurtenances
• Clay Fill (if required)
• Granular Fill (if required)
• Shoulder Pull, shaping and compacting; Surface Gravelling
Bidders, in submitting Tenders, acknowledge that they are completely familiar with the scope and intent of the work required. Bidders further acknowledge that they have examined the site and surrounding areas and are familiar with all conditions and/or restrictions which could affect or limit their operations due to such things as environmental constraints, utilities, public traffic and/or property of others.
Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall supply all materials necessary to complete the Work. The estimated quantities shown on the Drawings or contained in this document are provided for information purposes only. Quantity estimates are based on in-place dimensions to the neat lines shown on the Drawings. Prior to submitting a bid, the Contractor shall review the quantities and satisfy himself of the actual quantities required to complete the Work.
A complete job is called for, therefore any labour, equipment, tool, or material item not specifically mentioned but necessary for a complete job will be considered incidental to the Work and no separate payment will be made.
Mobilization consists of all the necessary work and operation including, but not limited to, the movement of personnel, equipment, supplies and incidentals to the Work, the establishment of offices, camps or other facilities necessary to undertake the Work and for expenses incurred for other work and operations which must be performed prior and during the Work. Items included in the bid item for Mobilization TOWNSHIP ROAD 431, TOWNSHIP ROAD 432, RANGE ROAD 201 & RANGE ROAD 184:
• Mobilize and De-Mobilize
• Traffic Accommodation
• Utility Locates and identification of existing culverts and appurtenances
• Communicate with local landowners with respect to construction schedules.
5.11.1 Payment
Payment for this work will be made at the unit price bid for “Mobilization”. The price bid will be considered full compensation for all labour, materials, equipment, tools, overhead, or incidental items not specifically mentioned, but necessary for completeness and will be considered incidental to the Work and no separate or additional payment will be made. 50% of the lump sum bid for Mobilization shall be paid on the first Contractor monthly invoice. The remaining 50% shall be paid upon completion of the project.
Granular fill shall be placed as per the Drawings and in predetermined areas that are typically low and contain wet and poor subgrade materials. Prior to the work, the County will mark the soft areas that require granular fill and shall be identified by stakes with blue flagging indicating the beginning and end of the granular fill segment. Through the course of the project, if the Contractor determines there to be additional areas that require Granular fill, the Owner shall be consulted and the area confirmed prior to adding the Granular fill.
Following scarification of the subgrade, the application of the granular material shall be applied then covered with material recovered from the shoulders, or from imported clay fill. These soft areas shall have an application of 4-40 granular fill material or alternate fill approved by the County Resident, applied approximately 100 mm thick.
The granular fill shall be deposited on the prepared area in a uniform manner and quantity which will produce the required compacted thickness and width designated by the County. Any coarse material segregated during dumping operations shall be blended with fines and shaped to the required depth, grade and cross-section.
Quantities listed in the “Unit Price Schedule” are provided for estimates only and are used to evaluate the quoted unit price and total bid price. Quantities will vary as per the current road conditions and as per the direction of the Owner.
5.12.1 Measurement and Payment
Measurement of “Granular Fill” will be based on the confirmation of Haul Card totals. The County is to pre-approve the Contractor’s method of mass measurement through the acceptance of certified and calibrated scale devices.
Payment will be made at the unit price bid for "Granular Fill" for the applicable Designation and Class of material acceptably hauled and dumped. This payment will be full compensation for the supply, haul, and dump of the granular fill material. The work effort to spread, shape and place the granular fill, will be paid separately under “Shoulder Pull”.
Clay fill is to be placed at predetermined areas which are typically low and contain wet and poor subgrade materials. Prior to the work, the County will mark soft areas that require clay fill and will be identified by stakes with orange flagging indicating the beginning and end of the clay fill segment. Quantities will depend on the desired final elevation of the road grade and will be a field fit best determined by the Contractor in consultation with the Owner. Through the course of the project, if the Contractor determines there to be additional areas that require Clay fill, the Owner shall be consulted and the area confirmed prior to adding any Clay fill.
The application of the clay material shall be following scarification of the subgrade and recovery of material from the shoulders as part of the shoulder pull. The clay fill shall be deposited to the prepared area in a uniform manner and quantity which will produce the required compacted
thickness, width, and elevation as directed by the County. All material placed in embankments shall be spread and bladed smooth in successive layers, not to exceed 0.15 m in depth when compacted and to the full width of the cross-section. Contrary to “Test Methods” of Specification 2.3 Grading, the test method used for the testing of the subgrade for compaction will be a tandem water truck, supplied by the Contractor, loaded to the maximum legal capacity. Acceptance or rejection of the compaction will be at the discretion of the Owner.
Camrose County reserves the right to withhold sufficient funds from the payments to complete the work necessary to obtain compaction to ensure a maximum deflection of 15 mm. Deflection in excess of 15 mm will require a reworking of the subgrade to achieve the desired density and stiffness.
The County has the right to reject any unsuitable material.
5.13.1 Clay Fill - (Contractor Supply)
The Contractor has the option to provide approved clay material from his own sources. High plastic clays (blue clay) is not allowed on County roadways; low to medium plastic clay till material is preferred. Soils that are sandy or contain silt, may be approved if they contain some clay content to bind the soil. All material has to be clean of topsoil, compost, peat, cobbles, stones, wood, organics or any deleterious materials.
5.13.2 Measurement and Payment - Clay Fill (Contractor Supply)
Measurement of Clay Fill – Contractor Supply will be based on the confirmation of Haul Card totals. The County is to pre-approve the Contractor’s method of mass measurement through the acceptance of certified and calibrated scale devices or other methods approved by the Public Works Manager.
Payment for Clay Fill – Contractor Supply shall be made in tonnes at the unit price bid for “Clay Fill – Contractor Supply”. This payment will be full compensation for the supply, haul, and dump of the clay fill material. Payment for the work effort to place, shape and compact the clay fill, will be paid separately under “Shoulder Pull”.
The Contractor shall construct the roadway to the design cross section such that the finished surface has a 8 m top (road width), 3% crossfall from the centre (crown) and 3:1 side slopes. The existing subgrade shall be scarified to depth of 150 mm and incorporate excavated material from the shoulders in lifts not greater than 150 mm, mixed and pulverized with a disc or soil reclaimer and blended to form a homogenous mix of material. All rock in excess of 75 mm diameter shall be removed from the graded and re-compacted soils for each lift of applied material.
Work is to progress in a sequential fashion and be limited to 800 m – 1600 m segments. The side slopes are to be groomed and trimmed to a neat and consistent fashion equivalent to H3:V1 ratio.
Contrary to “Test Methods” of Specification 2.3 Grading, the test method used for the testing of the subgrade for compaction will be a tandem water truck, supplied by the Contractor, loaded to the maximum legal capacity. Acceptance or rejection of the compaction will be at the discretion of the Owner.
Camrose County reserves the right to withhold sufficient funds from the payments to complete the work necessary to obtain compaction to ensure a maximum deflection of 15 mm. Deflection in excess of 15 mm will require a reworking of the subgrade to achieve the desired density and stiffness.
In the event of a dispute of the roll test between the Contractor and the Owner, tests will be performed by an independent Geo-Technical company to verify the results. If the independent tests confirm the results indicated by Owner, the Contractor will be responsible for any and all costs incurred to perform the tests. If the tests show that the Contractor has achieved the required compaction as specified in the Contract, the Owner will be responsible for costs incurred for the independent testing.
Each 800 -1600 m segment must be approved by the Owner (proof roll) before surfacing gravel is applied. The toe of the side slope and ditch bottom shall be smoothed as best as possible given the current conditions of the ditch and backslope.
5.14.1 Intersection Treatment
Graveled intersections shall be corrected to maintain a uniform 8 m road width and 12 m turning radii. Each road intersecting with the main shoulder pull road shall be shaped and corrected to conform as per the Drawings.
Paved intersections to the main shoulder pull alignment shall be transitioned from the pavement apron width to the design 8 m road width over a distance of 50 m.
5.14.2 Approach Treatment
The shoulder pull road is primary, and the design cross section and crown must be maintained and constructed through each residential and farm approach as per the Drawings. Once the shoulder pull is completed to its desired shape, then the approaches shall be transitioned to the road edge.
5.14.3 Measurement and Payment
Measurement of the Shoulder Pull will be made according to the stationed distance of the primary roads being impacted, and as identified in the Unit Rate Table.
Payment for Shoulder Pull will be made at the unit price bid per linear metre for “Shoulder Pull”. This payment will be full compensation for the work effort to scarify, excavate, rip, disc, mix, blade, water, shape, compact and spread gravel along the road alignment to the design (shoulder pulled) road cross section and to the satisfaction of the Owner.
5.15.1 General
Upon completion of the grading works and obtaining approval from the Owner, the roadway and farm/field entrances shall be surfaced with gravel at the locations and rates directed by the Owner.
The Contractor is required to salvage, stockpile and relay the existing surface gravel. At the discretion of the Owner, this gravel can be utilized for interim traffic accommodation. This
work will be considered incidental to the unit price bid for “Gravel Surfacing”. The “Gravel Surfacing” bid item shall not be utilized for traffic accommodation surfacing unless otherwise directed by the Owner.
5.15.2 Application Rate
Gravel surfacing shall be applied at a rate of 220 t/km of Designation 4 Class 20 for the first lift, and 140 t/km of Designation 4 Class 20 for the final lift. Entrances shall be surfaced with Designation 4 Class 20 at the application rates as directed by the Owner.
5.15.3 Application and Compaction
The initial lift of surfacing gravel shall be windrowed and spread uniformly across the subgrade surface. Water shall be applied to the gravel surface until acceptable moisture content is attained, as directed by the Consultant. The gravel shall then be compacted by means of a vibratory smooth drum compactor or rubber tired packer, to the satisfaction of the Consultant. The final lift of surfacing gravel shall be applied utilizing the same procedure as the initial lift with exception to watering and compacting.
5.15.4 Measurement and Payment
Measurement of Gravel Surfacing will be based on the confirmation of Haul Card totals. The County is to pre-approve the Contractor’s method of mass measurement through the acceptance of certified and calibrated scale devices.
Payment for supplying, processing, loading, hauling, placing, spreading, watering, and compacting of the surface gravel on the project will be made at the unit price bid per tonne for “Gravel Surfacing”.
General specification 1.2.58 “Diesel Fuel Cost Adjustment” will not be used on this project.
5.17.1 Campsites
Prior to the establishment of a campsite and roads providing access thereto or for other camp uses, the Contractor shall obtain the approval of the Owner and contact the local Official shown following:
Land Reclamation Division Telephone: 780-679-1274
Alberta Environment Protection
2nd Floor, Provincial Building
Camrose, AB T4V 1P6
Debris resulting from the clearing undertaken in such areas shall be piled and burned and areas left in a tidy condition in accordance with the Forest and Prairie Protection Act and regulations. All campsites shall be kept in a neat and sanitary condition at all times.
Prior to the abandonment of a campsite, the Contractor shall obtain a "Reclamation Clearance" from the above local Official.
5.17.2 Control of Equipment
The Contractor shall carefully control all equipment and work operations so that his operations do not extend beyond the designated working limits unless otherwise specifically authorized by the Owner.
Holdback will be assessed as per Section 1.2.46 in the General Specifications. The Holdback will be ten (10%) percent for this contract and held for a minimum period of forty-five (45) days after project completion.
The Contractor shall ensure all equipment, vehicles, tools and other items are clean of soil, aquatic organisms and plant matter (especially seed heads) prior to entering and leaving the site.
The Contractor shall submit a proposed procedure for weed and pest control to the Owner a minimum of two weeks prior to the pre-construction meeting for review and acceptance.
The Contractor's equipment, vehicles, materials or personnel will not be permitted to enter the site prior to acceptance of the Contractor's procedure for weed and pest control.
As per General Specification 2.3.2 Materials, during the performance of the work, the Owner will be the final authority in determining suitable or unsuitable materials. If the Owner deems there is unsuitable material, it shall be disposed of by the Owner and will be paid for at the unit price bid for “Shoulder Pull”. No separate payment will be made for relocating the material to different locations but will be incidental to the bid item “Shoulder Pull”.
The County will provide the following:
• Mow or spray the shoulders prior to the shoulder pull.
• Provide a County Representative to inspect, report and confirm the daily work effort and haul card totals.