Responsibilities of Contractor which is not limited to following:
1) Conduct site review to verify existing conditions. Acquire contact for monitoring and local fire department. Determine all auxiliary functions from existing system, label all field wiring at panel for reference. Photograph existing wiring and terminations for record. Test field wiring to determine absence of ground fault and continuity of wiring for initiating and alarm circuits. Verify all circuits and devices have integral ground wire or means to achieve ground at each device location.
2) Apply and pay for electrical permit.
3) Order fire alarm package, provide shop drawings, submit to owner and engineer for review and approval prior to order.
4) Mobilize lay down area for storage of new equipment / existing equipment to be removed.
5) Accept delivery and account for all new fire alarm panels, devices and equipment.
6) Upon receipt of all fire alarm equipment, prepare schedule for fire alarm replacement. Communicate dates with owner. Arrange for all fire watch during time of interruption of service. Arrange for access to suites through owner, allow 24 hour notice minimum. Coordinate access time for elevator hoisting and machine room devices. Provide notice of elevation service interruption.
7) Provide x-ray for any coring in concrete floors or walls prior to construction.
8) Coordinate with elevator supply company regarding elevator homing feasibility and termination points of field wiring.
9) If generator power is present in building, allow for determination of generator tie in points for generator run and generator fail supervisory contacts on fire alarm panel.
10) Investigate the existing means of mechanical shutdown of ventilation units. Confirm wiring does not impact original manufacture’s wiring ULC and CSA designations.
11) Provide new alarm circuit wiring to service suites 104, 106, 204, 206, 304 and 306 piezo and strobe circuits. Existing wiring to be abandoned. Existing panel to be trouble free prior to new system installation.
12) Conduct panel replacement in a systematic fashion such that zones may be transferred systematically without losing service and protection to any part of the building outside of controlled fire watch.
13) Replace all initiating devices. Verify field wiring is trouble free and ground fault free prior to proceeding to subsequent zones.
14) New devices to be added:
a. Heat detectors in exterior mechanical room.
b. Fixed temp heat detector at top of garbage chute.
c. New smoke detector west of seating area level 1.
15) Replace all notification devices. Verify field wiring is trouble free and ground fault free prior to proceeding to subsequent zones.
16) Supply and install all access doors shown on plans or as needed to facilitate wiring and system installation. Provide fire rated access doors where installation in fire rated ceilings.
17) Provide ULC approved fire stop sealant for all new wiring penetrations through fire rated assemblies. This includes floor to floor, hallway to suite or suite to suite wiring runs.
18) Reconnect all auxiliary functions and system monitoring upon completion.
a. Add relays for moor mag release, c/w bypass button to suite doors and fire doors.
b. Elevator homing - add relay for FSM, FSE, FSX in main elevator control room.
c. MUA shutdown on duct smoke alarm.
d. Shutdown central vac on general alarm.
19) Conduct pre-verification of to compile device list, complete with address location, verify single stage operation for piezos/strobes and horn/strobes.
20) If fire shutters and/or fire doors are present, confirm correct operation prior to final verification.
21) Coordinate sprinkler tie in with sprinkler contractor, including access to wiring and terminations. Sprinkler contractor to be present for flow timing calibration and at time of verification for final flow and tamper testing of fire alarm sprinkler devices. Confirm sprinkler tampers annunciate as supervisory alarm, flow switches annunciate as alarm.
22) Existing monitoring to be reconnected. Existing system tied to Hillcrest. Provide secondary monitoring to alternate ULC listing agency for Klondike only. Monitoring to be connected. ULC listing to be confirmed. Verify trouble, alarm and supervisory are correctly received by monitoring agency. Provide data communication link to Hillcrest new FACP via raceway. Confirm exact location on site for tie in and final length.
23) Provide final as-builts and request final inspection from electrical permit authority.
24) Schedule fire alarm verification with engineer and owner.
25) Provide all finishing drywall and paint repair at panel locations.
26) Provide cleanup and disposal of all existing fire alarm equipment.