The University of Ottawa is seeking proposals from General Contractors to be prequalified, together with their Masonry Subcontractor, for a rehabilitation project at 190 Laurier Avenue. The General Contractor and Masonry Subcontractor must have expertise and experience in Heritage projects, as the building in question is in Sandy Hill, an area of heritage interest. The work includes approximately 50% foundation and masonry work, but also improvements to drainage, landscaping and the replacement of fire escape stairs. Attached is a full Statement of Work document from the architect.
General Contractors are required to submit the proposal for both themsleves and their masonry partners. The evaluation criteria and scoring weights are included in Section 2.2 for the RFSQ. Proposals are to be submitted electronically in MERX before 3:00:00 p.m. on Tuesday February 2, 2021.
The University intends to prequalify the top five scoring firms with their masonry partners but we reserve the right to adjust that number depending on the proposals received and the final scoring. The firm who is awarded the tender will be required to sign a CCDC 2 contract with the University's Supplementary Conditions, which are attached to this opportunity.