1.1 Invitation to Proponents
This Request for Proposals (the “RFP”) is an invitation by the University of Ottawa (the “University”) to prospective proponents to submit proposals for Controlled Materials Management System, as further described in Section A of the RFP Particulars (Appendix D) (the “Deliverables”).
Founded in 1848, the University of Ottawa (“University”) is located in the heart of the nation’s capital, with a population of over 43,000 students, and 6,500 employees. It is the largest bilingual (English-French) university in the world and has the largest law school in the country. It was also ranked among Canada’s top 10 research universities.
For information related to the University of Ottawa, please visit the University’s website http://www.uottawa.ca/en
1.2 RFP Contact
To contact the University in relation to this RFP, proponents must register with the University’s public purchasing portal at www.merx.com (the “University’s MERX EBS System”) and initiate the communication electronically through the Question and Answer function. The University will not accept any proponent’s communications by any other means, except as specifically stated in this RFP.
For the purposes of this procurement process, the “RFP Contact” will be:
Carole Dessureault, Senior Procurement Officer
Proponents should only contact the RFP Contact where specifically instructed to in this RFP. All other communication in relation to this RFP must be through the University’s MERX EBS System, as described above. Proponents and their representatives are not permitted to contact any employees, officers, agents, elected or appointed officials or other representatives of the University, other than in accordance with this section. Failure to adhere to this rule may result in the disqualification of the proponent and the rejection of the proponent’s proposal.
1.3 Contract for Deliverables
1.3.1 Type of Contract
The selected proponent will be requested to enter into direct contract negotiations to finalize an agreement with the University for the provision of the Deliverables. The terms and conditions found in the Form of Agreement (Appendix A) are to form the basis for commencing negotiations between the University and the selected proponent. It is the University’s intention to enter into an agreement with only one (1) legal entity.
1.3.2 Term of Contract
The term of the agreement is to be for a period of three (3) years, with an option in favour of the University to extend the agreement on the same terms and conditions for an additional term of up to two (2) years.
1.4 RFP Timetable
Issue Date of RFPApril 23, 2020
Deadline for QuestionsApril 30, 2020 at 3:00 P.M. EDT
Deadline for Issuing AddendaMay 6, 2020 at 3:00 P.M. EDT
Submission DeadlineMay 20, 2020 at 3:00 P.m. EDT
Anticipated presentation periodWeek of June 15, 2020
Anticipated Execution of AgreementJuly 2020
The RFP timetable is tentative only and may be changed by the University at any time. For greater clarity, business days means all days that the University is open for business.
1.5 Submission of Proposals
1.5.1 Proposals to be Submitted at Prescribed Location
Proposals must be submitted through MERX Electronic Proposal Submission (“EBS”) System, the electronic tendering systems used by the University:
For assistance in using MERX, please contact MERX directly at 1-800-964-MERX or visit the MERX website at www.merx.com.
1.5.2 Proposals to be Submitted on Time
Uploading large documents may take significant time, depending on file size and internet connection speed. It is strongly recommended that proponents review the MERX EBS System instructions well in advance of the Submission Deadline and allow sufficient time before the Submission Deadline to upload documents and finalize their submissions. Proponents making submissions near the deadline do so at their own risk. The determination of whether the proposal is delivered by the Submission Deadline shall be based on the electronic time and date stamp generated by the MERX EBS System server, whether or not accurate.
Proponents will receive an email confirmation receipt with a unique confirmation number upon finalizing their submissions.
Late submissions are not permitted and any proposals submitted after the Submission Deadline will be rejected.
1.5.3 Proposals to be Submitted in Prescribed Format
Proponents must submit one electronic copy of their proposal in the format specified on MERX. Proponents must only include pricing in the specific portion of the proposal noted in Appendix C – Pricing.
The proponent must submit their proposal in two separate attachments (files) containing the Proponent’s proposal labelled in the following manner:
- Attachment #1 Qualitative proposal Controlled Materials Management System, and insert proponent’s name and Attachment #1 must have the following mandatory documents:
- Appendix B – Submission form;
- Appendix D-1 - Mandatory Technical Requirements;
- Appendix D-2 - Rated Criteria’s (Qualitative questionnaire) – use same format and order of the MS Word document (Do not modify the structure) – do not put pricing information in this document.
- Appendix D-3 - Reference Form
- Attachment #2 Financial proposal and insert proponent’s name and Attachment #2 must have the following documents:
- Appendix C – Pricing Form (included in the proposed solution)
- Appendix C – Pricing form (optional pricing)
1.5.4 Amendment of Proposals
Proponents may amend their proposals prior to the Submission Deadline by modifying or deleting and resubmitting their proposal through the MERX EBS System in accordance with the instructions on the MERX website.
1.5.5 Withdrawal of Proposals
At any time throughout the RFP process until the execution of a written agreement for provision of the Deliverables, a proponent may withdraw a submitted proposal. To withdraw a proposal prior to the Submission Deadline, a proponent should un-submit the proposal through the MERX EBS System. Following the Submission Deadline, a notice of withdrawal must be sent to the RFP Contact and must be signed by an authorized representative of the proponent. The University is under no obligation to return withdrawn proposals.
Stages of Evaluation and Negotiation
The University will conduct the evaluation of proposals and negotiations in the following stages.
Points% Weight
Stage IReview of Mandatory RequirementsAppendix DPass/Fail-
Stage IIEvaluation of Rated CriteriaAppendix D40040%
Stage IIIEvaluation of Presentation/Software Demo 30030%
Stage IVEvaluation of PricingAppendix C30030%
Stage VRanking and Security Risk Assessment Pass/Fail0%
Total Points Available 1,000100%
A.2 Project Scope
The successful proponent will be contracted to deliver the following:
- Implement a central, automated Controlled Materials Management platform at the Office of Risk Management. This management platform should also address tracking of controlled activities. A future deployment roadmap will consider lab and research facilities.
- Data migration from the existing FileMaker Pro database.
- Provide training:
- Formal training for System Administrators and staff.
- Ongoing access to self-paced training material for new employees or those wanting a refresher.
- Provide maintenance and support within the contracted period.
- Deployment to other labs and research facilities.
A.3 Target Schedule
The University is aiming to award a contract by July 2020 and to deploy the Solution with all deliverables completed by November 2020.
A.4 Experience and qualifications
The University is seeking proponents who can demonstrate that they have extensive experience working on similar projects, particularly with higher education and public-sector institutions and have a good understanding of the University’s environment.
The proponents are required to describe their organization’s experience and background, including a brief description of their firm’s history and ownership structure.
Proponents are required to provide examples of successfully completed projects of similar type, size and environment. The examples shall also illustrate proponent’s ability to achieve results within required timelines and budgets.
Proponents are required to outline the qualifications of the personnel who will directly work on this project, including a detailed description of the proposed project team, their skills, credentials and relevant experience, including similar work performed for other public sector/university environments.
As such, proponents are required to address, in detail, the scenarios, questions and requirements as documented in Appendix D-2 – Rated Criteria.
A.5 Implementation and project plan
The University is looking for an implementation and deployment strategy to facilitate a smooth roll out. When answering the questions, proponents should include information on the following:
- Implementation Plan - A description of the proposed steps to implement the solution, the general methodology that will be used and the related services to be provided in support of the project keeping in mind Section A.3 Target Schedule included in APPENDIX D.
- Any challenges and risks that may need to be addressed during the project, as well as strategies to mitigate these risks.
- Innovation in providing services, including addressing industry trends and challenges faced by the University / Public sector.
As such, proponents are required to address, in detail, the scenarios, questions and requirements as documented in Appendix D-2 – Rated Criteria.
A.6 Support, System Performance and communication
The University is looking for proponents who can distinguish themselves from their competitors by showcasing what strengths and advantages they have to offer. When answering the questions, proponents should include information on the following:
- Your Standard Service Level Agreement (SLA). Our expectation is that the negotiated SLA will be valid for the length of the contract and any extensions that are granted
- available post-implementation support packages, including details such as hours of operation, methods of engagement, response times, etc.
- Your Protection of Personal Information (PPI) policy.
- Process for managing new software releases, both major and minor (including integration updates).
As such, proponents are required to address, in detail, the scenarios, questions and requirements as documented in Appendix D-2 – Rated Criteria.