Brock University is planning to issue RFP EG18-01 in the next 7 days.
This Request for Proposals (“RFP”) is an invitation by the Brock University] (the “University”) to prospective proponents to submit proposals for Prime Consultant Services for our Brock Active Living Complex as further described in Part 2 – The Deliverables (the “Deliverables”) of the RFP Document.
There has been significant growth in the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences over the past five years, with a more than 25% increase in undergraduate enrollment and over 30% increase in graduate enrollments. This growth trajectory is expected to continue for the next several years due to the continued popularity of its programs coupled with the planned introduction of several new graduate and undergraduate programs over the next 2-5 years.
There is an acute need for more and upgraded research and teaching laboratory space as well as office and meeting space for several of the largest departments in Applied Health Sciences. At the same time, there are opportunities to optimize teaching and research interactions between units in Applied Health Sciences that are now scattered around campus and to align teaching, research and community engagement opportunities with Applied Health Sciences and Brock Sports
In response to a potential government call for infrastructure projects, plans for an addition to the Walker sports Complex, tentatively called “Brock Active Living Complex” (BALC) are to be developed. These plans would build on existing infrastructure Walker Complex providing the necessary space for Applied Health Sciences and Brock Sports and address significant “deferred maintenance” at the Walker Complex.
The Walker Sport Complex is a multi-purpose facility and has been built in three phases. The BALC facility will necessitate an addition to the north and west of the Walker Sports Complex, as well as a renovation of the Physical Education Centre.
BALC would also address acute space needs for training and competition for Brock athletics and provide significant synergies for research, teaching, experiential education and community outreach with athletics and the departments of Kinesiology and Sport Management who would be the other primary occupants of the new build
These include improved abilities to engage elite athlete training and research and involvement of graduate and undergraduate students in these developing initiatives. Enhanced facilities for athletic training and sports medicine would also improve access to these facilities both Brock and community athletes as well as provide further research and experiential education opportunities for students.