Red River College Polytechnic seeks a vendor to develop an Indigenous Visual Identity through a collaborative and consultative process. Along with internal Indigenous audiences such as staff, students and stakeholders, RRC Polytech partners with and serves Indigenous communities throughout the province. RRC Polytech uses its position to directly impact reconciliation efforts through student success, alumni support, program development, and research and innovation for businesses, and as a community partner and economic driver in Manitoba. In RRC Polytech’s Strategic Plan 2022-2026: In Front of What’s Ahead, RRC Polytech renewed its commitment to Truth and Reconciliation, and to purpose equity, diversity and inclusion in everything we do. The Indigenous Visual Identity will have engagement touch points with learners, leaders and future leaders: prospective Indigenous students, future employees, Indigenous businesses, Manitoba communities, Elders and Knowledge Keepers, researchers, government, and the friends and family of our community. Information on the complete expected scope of services is included in Schedule E.
All project documentation, Vendor Q&A, as well as proposal submissions can be found on RRC Polytech's tendering platform, run by Bonfire at the following links: