The Work includes three (3) 500KVA step up transformers complete with enclosures and three (3) 500KVA step-down transformers complete with control panels. Descriptions of ITEMS of the Work listed below are provided as a general overview. Detailed Purchaser’s Requirements are provided in the Technical Requirements.
The Work includes the following ITEMs:
ITEM 1: three (3) 500KVA step down transformers complete with control panels. Includes winding temp monitoring, gauges, and test switches.
ITEM 2: three (3) 500KVA step-up transformers complete with enclosures. Includes applicable gauges, test switches, and winding temp monitoring accessories.
One (1) of the three (3) stepdown transformers in ITEM 1 is required to be delivered by September 15, 2021. The other ITEMs are required to be delivered within 60 days of the first delivery.
For more information contact
Keri Malcolm, Senior Buyer
SCM Procurement Operations Department
360 Portage Avenue (2)
Winnipeg MB R3C 0G8
Competitive Procurement Strategy
Request for Proposal with further negotiations
Bids will be opened privately
Pass/Fail Criteria
All proposals must meet all of the following criteria, in Manitoba Hydro’s determination, in order to proceed to the second stage of the evaluation process.
a) The Proponent must have successfully delivered a minimum of two (2) projects within North America in the past 5 years involving the manufacture, supply and delivery of both 500KVA step-up and step-down transformers including panels and enclosures.