B3.1 Further to C3.1, the Bidder may view the Site without making an appointment.
B3.2 The Bidder is advised that before submitting a Bid, each Bidder may, at Bidder’s own
expense, make or obtain any additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, and
studies and obtain any additional information and data which pertain to subsurface or physical
conditions at or contiguous to the Site or otherwise, which may affect cost, progress, performance,
or furnishing of the Work and which Bidder deems necessary to determine its Bid for performing and
furnishing the Work in accordance with the time, price, and other terms and conditions of the
Contract Documents.
B3.3 The Bidder shall not be entitled to rely on any information or interpretation received
at the Site investigation unless that information or interpretation is the Bidder’s direct
observation, or is provided by the Contract Administrator in writing.
B3.4 The Bidder is responsible for inspecting the Site, the nature of the Work to be done
and all conditions that might affect their Bid/Proposal or their performance of the Work, and shall
assume all risk for conditions existing or arising in the course of the Work which have been or
could have been determined through such inspection.
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