Elections Ontario (or “EO”) is a non-partisan agency of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario working under the direction of the Chief Electoral Officer (“CEO”), an officer of the Legislative Assembly. EO is responsible for conducting general, by-elections and referenda in accordance with the provisions in the Elections Act and the administration of Election Finances Act.
The 42st Provincial General Election was held on June 7, 2018. After a general election, EO tables the results of an election with the Legislative Assembly of Ontario in a hard copy, published format and is also made available to persons with disabilities in a manner that takes their disabilities into account, in accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and the regulations made under that Act.
The objective of this RFP is to solicit proposals from proponents to provide EO with two versions of the election results report (aka, “the Yellow Book”) – 150 softcover, 10 leather-bound copies and one set of .pdf documents
While the objective is to print 150 paper-cover versions, EO may add to that if there is a price break that makes it worthwhile to print additional copies.
EO invites proposals in response to this RFP for an engaging, creative and cost effective solution to meet the requirements described herein.
The duration of the contract to be entered into between the CEO and successful Proponent(s) will be for a period of four (4) years, with an option in favour of EO to extend the Agreement on the same terms and conditions for up to one (1) additional term of four (4) years.
The bid information for this RFP is contained in the documentation available from this site.