ECO Canada’s BEAHR Training Programs offer a variety of training courses developed to build capacity amongst Indigenous communities within the environmental sector. Since 2006, BEAHR Training Programs have helped Indigenous communities develop technical environmental skills and foster rewarding environmental careers.
ECO Canada is seeking to translate our Indigenous BEAHR Training materials from English into French, to better support our French-speaking Indigenous nations.
ECO Canada seeks qualified and experienced proponents to translate current training materials, from English to French, for the following three BEAHR Courses:
1) Environmental Core Skills
2) Environmental Monitoring – Research Specialization
3) Environmental Monitoring – Regulatory Specialization
The three BEAHR courses above each contain the following materials that must be translated, OR their French equivalent must be sourced:
a) Instructor Guide
b) Student Guide (this is essentially the same as the Instructor Guide and will not require double the amount of work to translate, as it will contain exact sections of the Instructor’s Guide that will be word-for-word verbatim). Only a small amount of effort will be required to take the translated content from the Instructor’s guide and convert it to a student guide (some formatting requirements, not translational requirements).
c) PowerPoints (approximately 1000 slides total over all three courses. The slides have a small to medium amount of text on each slide, with photos and images contained throughout. Some slides have no text at all, only images).
d) Instructor Resource Folder (this folder contains items such as: quizzes, activities, case studies, legislative and jurisdictional environmental frameworks and Acts, safety protocol documents, etc. to support student learnings).
Translating these three training programs will require the successful proponent to perform duties under the following stages:
1) Stage 1: Translate the Instructor’s Guide from English to French for each of the (1) Core, (2) EM-Research and (3) EM-Regulatory courses.
2) Stage 2: Develop Student Guide from Instructor’s Guide (this will not require translation but will require MS word formatting competencies).
3) Stage 3: Translate all PowerPoints for each of the three courses
a. Environmental Core Skills: 510 PowerPoint slides
b. EM-Research: 194 PowerPoint slides
c. EM-Regulatory: 324 PowerPoint slides
4) Stage 4: Translate and/or source French equivalent documentation – these documents are items such as: quizzes, activities, case studies, legislative and jurisdictional environmental frameworks to support student learnings. If there is an English environmental case study where the identical same case study cannot be sourced in French language, then the bidder will need to source a similar case study in French that is suitable to compliment the curricula. This will require the successful bidder to have a strong knowledge base of Canada’s environmental industry.