You are invited to submit a quote for Cisco Networking Switches to the City of Brooks. This Request for Quotation and supporting documents supplied with it define content required of your quote. You are urged to structure your response in accordance with the requirements contained in this document. It will be by these criteria that we will determine whether a response is complete, appropriate and competitive. All information supplied in response to the Request for Quotation must contain sufficient details to support the services being proposed. This document is not intended to limit submissions, but rather to provide a common framework for the City to assess each quote in a professional manner in a demonstrably fair process. Respondents are encouraged to provide any unsolicited information or material not specifically covered in the sections of this Request For Quotations.
All amendments to the associated notice, including amended documents, plans and specifications (where applicable), are issued by the originator of the notice. MERX asks you to contact the buying agency directly for these amendments. MERX stipulates that potential bidders may also be required to register with the buying authority as a bidder/plan taker. The contact information can be found within the main tender document and/or on this notice abstract.