This request for proposal (RFP) invites prospective bidders with expertise in information systems implementation to submit proposals to the Canada Council for the Arts (the Council). The Council is seeking responses to select a replacement of the existing Canada Arts Data / Données sur les arts au Canada (CADAC) system, which is used for collecting financial and statistical information from arts organizations and enabling funding agencies to use to the collected information to make decisions on grants for monitoring and reporting purposes.
This RFP is being administered by the Council on behalf of the CADAC Steering Committee. Therefore, the RFP is accomplished within the Council's internal policy requirements and the Council's delegation of authorities will make decisions related to the RFP based on the direction of the CADAC Steering Committee.
The Council will conduct a comprehensive review of each proposed solution and bidder's capabilities and select the proposal that will not only meet the identified requirements but is also best-in-class. The solution is required to be an existing cloud software, which will rely upon product configuration rather than customization. The successful bidder is expected to provide professional implementation services outlined in Section 4.1 of the document. The bidder's profile, experience, approach and resources also are of paramount importance.
Following are key organization-wide business benefits anticipated from the replacement of the existing CADAC system:
A. Improve end user experience
B. Improve flexibility, scalability and minimize reliance on specialist IT skills for system changes
C. Streamline data collection through improved configurability of web forms
D. Automate and optimize workflows to minimize reliance on manual effort, freeing up time and reducing risks of errors
E. Improve reporting to enable value-add activities such as aggregation, comparison, and analysis for all stakeholders
F. Improve and modernize supporting IT infrastructure