.1 The Contractor is to provide the services to complete a structural investigation of two (2) buildings located at the Dwyer Hill Training Centre, and to conduct a Steel Testing Program to determine the physical properties, chemical composition and steel grade of existing steel structure. The Steel Testing Program shall include but may not be limited to cutting steel coupons from the existing structure, measurement of physical properties, patching/repair of existing structural steel element where the coupon was extracted, and shipping and handling for testing. Record of the physical properties (steel gauge) to be coordinated with the Consultant on site while the chemical composition and steel grade to be shipped to a laboratory for testing. A recommended laboratory for testing is SGS Canada Inc.
.2 Extract three (3) steel coupons from each corrugated metal arch roof structure to be extracted from different areas of the roof. Coordinate with existing penetration for locations. Submit to consultant for review and approval prior to sampling.
.3 Steel coupons to be a minimum of 8” long by 2” wide for standard tensile tests. Where this is not possible a substitute size of minimum 3” to 5” long x 5/8” wide is acceptable.
.4 Contractor is to coordinate to send coupons to an approved laboratory and pay for all laboratory testing.
.5 All steel samples are to be tested for steel tensile strength per ASTM and thickness measurements. One (1) sample per building is to be tested for chemical analysis and steel grade determination.
.6 The Contractor will provide all materials, tools, equipment, labour, and items of a consumable nature as required to execute the work including but may not be limited to dust and fume control for welding on site.
.7 Contractor to provide scissor lift and operator required to complete visual structural review and to take field measurements of structure (width, height, length, radius).
.8 The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating and paying for any and all access requirements to complete their work.
.9 Contractor is to coordinate with the Owner and submit all work permit and maintain site security clearances as required.
.1 Should the Contractor require a change in contract price or project schedule to complete additional work, they will submit to the Owner an itemized proposal, prior to proceeding with said work.
.2 Contractor shall receive written authorization from the Owner prior to proceeding with additional work.