For repairs to a 12.2 m span rigid frame bridge west of St. Marys. The work includes railing and
curb replacement, deck top repairs, waterproofing,rural road and bridge deck asphalt paving,
and provisional guiderail installation.
Plans, specifications and tender forms for this contract may be obtained from the office of the
undersigned after March 8, 2017 upon payment of a non-refundable fee of $40.00, payable to
B. M. Ross and AssociatesLimited, which includes all taxes. Each tender must be accompanied
by a certified cheque or bid bond in the amount of $ 16,000.
Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
Engineers and Planners
62 North Street Goderich, ON N7A 2T4
Phone:(519) 524-2641
Fax:(519) 524-4403
All amendments to the associated notice, including amended documents, plans and specifications (where applicable), are issued by the originator of the notice. MERX asks you to contact the buying agency directly for these amendments. MERX stipulates that potential bidders may also be required to register with the buying authority as a bidder/plan taker. The contact information can be found within the main tender document and/or on this notice abstract.