SFU is seeking a DNA sequencer for high-throughput/coverage applications in analysis of human DNA sequence and DNA methylation.
Research Overview:
The researcher requires the capabilities to efficiently collect data on DNA sequence for specific targeted regions in the human genome that have been identified in previous whole-genome, theoretical-genetic, and medical-genetic studies as exhibiting functional properties that impact upon psychological, cognitive, and affective phenotypes in typical, healthy humans. These regions and sites must be quantified for DNA sequences using next-generation technology with relatively long read lengths, and in some applications also for specified-region DNA methylation via bisulfite sequencing; these subjects have also been genotyped for the relevant loci to assess genetic variation and they have been subject to specific cognitive and psychological testing, via questionnaires and cognitive tasks, that are predicted to be mediated by genetic and epigenetic variation in the focal genes and genomic regions.
The major goals of the new project are to collect integrated data at the genetic, epigenetic, physiological and psychological levels to test and develop hypotheses regarding human adaptation and evolution. The equipment sought here is intended to address the need for high-throughput DNA sequence data in the project. A top rating will be achieved through cost-efficient data collection with high throughput and high levels of quality control.