1.1 Introduction
Pomerleau Inc., acting as the Construction Manager for Brookfield Global Integrated Solutions (referred to herein as "BGIS"), is inviting Plumbing, HVAC, Fire Protection et Electrical contractors to submit their qualifications to complete work related to the following specialties:
• RFQ.L6220: Plumbing
• RFQ.L6221: HVAC
• RFQ.L6222: Fire Protection
• RFQ.L6260: Electrical
1.2 Project Information
The Louis St-Laurent Building located at 555 Boulevard de la Carrière, Gatineau, Quebec is an office building formerly occupied by DND until a fire on April 21st, 2016 rendered the building unstable and unsafe for occupation. Along with water and smoke damage a portion of the roof collapsed leaving the building exposed to the environment.
The scope of this project is to repair and restore the building. This building has suffered extensive fire damage and required partial demolition as well as decontamination activities which will be undertaken under the scope of work of LOT#1, 2 and 3. The reconstruction and restart of the mechanical and electrical equipment are part of LOT#4, 4A and 6.
1.3 Objective
The objective of this Request for Qualification is to receive and assess submissions from experienced contractors for the purpose of qualifying potential tenderers. It is Pomerleau and BGIS’ objective to retain contractors with established expertise in the construction of projects of similar scope and complexity.
Pre-qualifications completed for other LOTs of the LOUIS ST-LAURENT REPAIR AND RESTORATION project will remain valid for the duration of the work managed by Pomerleau.
Pomerleau reserves the right to modify or issue additional Requests for Qualifications, as required to ensure all scopes of work, pre-existing and unforeseen, are completed by qualified certified contractors. To ensure bid competitivity, a minimum of three (3) proponents are to be pre-qualified throughout the project.