Notice of Intended Procurement
Name of Procuring Entity
Ryerson University (the “University”)
Contact Person and Contract Person Coordinates
Robert Doyle, 1 Dundas St West, 09th Floor, Toronto, ON, M5B 2H1, 416-979-5000 ext 6981
Procurement Documents
The procurement documents are available at
Note that obtaining access to the procurement documents will require prospective suppliers to register and pay a registration fee. Pricing and Payment Terms are available on the MERX website.
Note that in order to receive the current employee information documents, prospective suppliers will be obliged to execute a confidentiality agreement in accordance the terms of the procurement documents.
Description of Procurement
This Request for Proposal (“RFP”) is an invitation to prospective Proponents for Submissions indicating their organization’s capability, and unit costs to provide furniture, fixtures and appliances to Ryerson University.
For clarity, the RFP will be comprised of three (3) RFP Categories;
• Category 1a: Furniture;
• Category 1b: Fixtures; and
• Category 1c: Appliances
Proponents may bid on one (1) or all of the RFP Categories, however Proponents are required to submit separate submissions for each RFP Category. Proponents shall identify which RFP Category they will be applying for.
The procurement is anticipated to involve negotiation. An electronic auction is not anticipated.
Address and Final Date for Submissions
Submissions must be submitted electronically at on or before 11:00 a.m. December 10th 2018.
The submissions will not be opened publicly.
Conditions for Participation
The procurement is subject to the following conditions for participation:
Mandatory Submission Requirements
File #1 - Proposal Acknowledgement Form
- Each Proponent shall complete, sign and submit a Proposal Acknowledgement Form. The Proposal Acknowledgement Form forms part of the Proposal.
Scored Submission Requirements
Proponents shall provide the following information as part of their submission:
Category 1a - Furniture
Stage 1: Mandatory Submission Requirements
1. File #1 - Proposal Acknowledgement Form
- Each Proponent shall complete, sign and submit a Proposal Acknowledgement Form. The Proposal Acknowledgement Form forms part of the Proposal.
Stage 2: Scored Submission Requirements
2. File #2 - Sustainability Practices
- Proponents should demonstrate their commitment to sustainable work practices, for example:
- Copies of a relevant certifications;
- Awards received for product
- Demonstrate their reduction in waste and reuse of construction materials; and
- Use of sustainable materials.
- Proponents must provide two (2) or more of the following for each proposed submission:
- BIFMA Level Certificate (Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturer's Association)
For more information, please visit
For more information, please visit
- GREENGUARD Certification For more information, please visit
- FSC Certification (Forest Stewardship Council)
For more information, please visit
3. File #3 - Support and Maintenance
- Proponents should provide details on whether they have dedicated service personnel who can respond to service calls.
- Proponents should specify the achievable response times regarding requests for repair, maintenance and breakdown assistance.
- Proponents should provide confirmation of the availability of service and replacement parts for at least five (5) years after commissioning.
4. File #4 - Delivery and Installation
- Proponents should provide a detailed delivery and installation schedule that reflects their submissions. The schedule must commit to the dates provided in 2.13 Current Project Schedule.
- Level 10 Mock-Up
Proponents are required to deliver and install furniture, fixtures and appliances for Level 10 as per the date provided in 2.13 Current Project Schedule. This mock-up must be included in the delivery and installation schedule.
Stage 3: Financial/Pricing Submission Requirements
5. File #5 - Pricing Requirements
- Provide a completed Price Form as set out in Appendix D – Price Form.
Stage 4: Specification Submission Requirements
6. File #6 - Specification Requirements
- Proponents should provide specification sheets for all submitted items/products. Proponents should confirm that the submitted products meet the requirements outlined in Appendix’s ‘F’, ‘G’, and ‘H’. Ryerson in its sole discretion shall determine if the proposed product is acceptable.
Category 1b - Fixtures
Stage 1: Mandatory Submission Requirements
1. File #1 - Proposal Acknowledgement Form
- Each Proponent shall complete, sign and submit a Proposal Acknowledgement Form. The Proposal Acknowledgement Form forms part of the Proposal.
Stage 2: Financial/Pricing Submission Requirements
2. File #2 - Pricing Requirements
- Provide a completed Price Form as set out in Appendix D – Price Form.
Stage 3: Specification Submission Requirements
3. File #3 - Specification Requirements
- Proponents should provide specification sheets for all submitted items/products. Proponents should confirm that the submitted products meet the requirements outlined in Appendix’s ‘F’, ‘G’, and ‘H’. Ryerson in its sole discretion shall determine if the proposed product is acceptable.
Category 1c - Appliances
Stage 1: Mandatory Submission Requirements
1. File #1 - Proposal Acknowledgement Form
- Each Proponent shall complete, sign and submit a Proposal Acknowledgement Form. The Proposal Acknowledgement Form forms part of the Proposal.
Stage 2: Scored Submission Requirements
2. File #2 - Sustainability Practices
- Proponents should demonstrate their commitment to sustainable work practices, for example:
- Copies of a relevant certifications;
- Awards received for product
- Demonstrate their reduction in waste and reuse of construction materials; and
- Use of sustainable materials.
- Proponents must provide one Proponents must provide one (1) or more of the following certificates for appliances only:
- ENERGY STAR Certified for more information, please visit
- UL Certified for more information, please visit
3. File #3 - Support and Maintenance
a) Proponents should provide details on whether they have dedicated service personnel who can respond to service calls.
b) Proponents should specify the achievable response times regarding requests for repair, maintenance and breakdown assistance.
- Proponents should provide confirmation of the availability of service and replacement parts for at least five (5) years after commissioning.
4. File #4 - Delivery and Installation
- Proponents should provide a detailed delivery and installation schedule that reflects their submissions. The schedule must commit to the dates provided in 2.13 Current Project Schedule.
- Level 10 Mock-Up
Proponents are required to deliver and install furniture, fixtures and appliances for Level 10 as per the date provided in 2.13 Current Project Schedule. This mock-up must be included in the delivery and installation schedule.
Stage 3: Financial/Pricing Submission Requirements
5. File #5 - Pricing Requirements
- Provide a completed Price Form as set out in Appendix D – Price Form.
Stage 4: Specification Submission Requirements
6. File #6 - Specification Requirements
- Proponents should provide specification sheets for all submitted items/products. Proponents should confirm that the submitted products meet the requirements outlined in Appendix’s ‘F’, ‘G’, and ‘H’. Ryerson in its sole discretion shall determine if the proposed product is acceptable.
Applicable Trade Agreements
This procurement is subject to the following trade agreement(s):
The Canadian Free Trade Agreement, Chapter Five
The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, Chapter 19
The Ontario-Quebec Trade and Cooperation Agreement, Chapter 9
Contract Details
The term of the Final Agreement is upon conclusion of the contract whichever is first.
The University will base its selection of qualified suppliers on the following criteria:
Category 1a - Furniture and Category 1c - Appliances
Stage 1: Mandatory Submission Criteria:
File #1 - Proposal Acknowledgement FormPass/Fail
Stage 2: Technical Evaluation Criteria:
File #2 – Sustainability Practices15
File #3 – Support and Maintenance25
File #4 – Delivery and Installation30
Stage 3: Financial Evaluation Criteria:
File #5 - Pricing30
Subtotal 30
Stage 4: Specification Submission Criteria:
File #6 - SpecificationsPass/Fail
Total Evaluated Score 100
Category 1b - Furniture Fixtures
Stage 1: Mandatory Submission Criteria:
File #1 - Proposal Acknowledgement FormPass/Fail
Stage 2: Financial Evaluation Criteria:
File #2 - Pricing100
Subtotal 100
Stage 3: Specification Submission Criteria:
File #3 - SpecificationsPass/Fail
Total Evaluated Score 100
Suppliers should note that information contained within this notice is subject to change. Suppliers are encouraged to obtain the procurement documents which contain the most current information. If there is a conflict between the procurement documents and this notice, the procurement documents will take precedence.