Marine Atlantic Inc.
Invitation to Tender
317-034-017 / 2018-7.1.1
ARG Dock Repairs
Marine Atlantic Inc. (MAI) invites offers from qualified Vendors for the ARG Dock Repairs Design.
The project is located at the Marine Atlantic Ferry Terminal site in Argentia, Newfoundland.
The Work generally includes, but it is not necessarily limited to:
.1 The supply of all labour, material, and equipment to complete identified repairs to the docks, bridges, and bridge lift mechanical and electrical systems at Marine Atlantic Inc., Argentia, NL in accordance with the Specifications and Drawings.
.2 Preparation, submission and implementation of an approved site specific health and safety plan and schedule.
.3 Mobilization and demobilization, including all plant, labour, equipment, and temporary facilities as specified and as required to carry out the Work.
.4 Environmental protection including the provision of netting, floating booms, and hoarding as required to prevent debris from falling into the water; disposal of any debris or removed materials in the water is prohibited.
.5 Preparation and submission of a report, stamped by a Professional Engineer registered to practice in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, certifying that the proposed construction loadings will not damage existing infrastructure.
.6 Restoration and clean-up of the site after the completion of Work.
.7 Complete removal, transportation, storage and disposal of all identified handrails on the Longarm and Shortarm dock structures.
Marine Atlantic reserves the right to accept tenders in whole or in part. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.
A site visit will be held on August 9, 2017 at 10:00 AM Newfoundland time at the site in Argentia, NL.
The closing for receipt of tenders will be 1400 hours Atlantic Time, August 23, 2017.
Proposals must be submitted by electronic means using the MERX EBS.
This will be the only method of response accepted for consideration. Proposals will not be considered if submitted by fax, email or other open forms of communication. Proposals must be received by the closing date and hour. Late Proposals will not be considered.