In carrying out its mandate, the IESO engages strategically with a broad range of audiences including stakeholders, customers, employees, media, elected officials, trade and business associations, Indigenous communities and organizations, the general public, as well as others. The IESO’s communications channels include, but are not limited to printed material, online products, speeches and presentations. All communications products are intended to support the IESO’s organizational views, positions and objectives while remaining consistent with the IESO’s vision, mission and strategic plan.
To assist the IESO in its engagement with internal and external stakeholders, the IESO is seeking a Service Provider for the provision of the following corporate communications services (collectively, the “Service Categories” and each a “Service Category”):
- Strategic communications planning, counsel and support;
- Media outreach;
- Media and spokesperson training;
- Writing, editing and other content development;
- Media analysis and market research; and
- Event planning, management and facilitation.